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ONEMED – More Than One Solution
ONEMED supports general practitioners, municipal healthcare professionals, and regional hospitals with medical products and equipment. ONEMED is now expanding its product portfolio with an air purifier for waiting rooms.
A waiting room is a natural gathering point for airborne bacteria and viruses, increasing the risk of infection for both staff and patients. Aeroguard air purifiers from ONEMED provide an effective solution, but how do we communicate this to a critical target audience? How do we create awareness and generate sales leads for Aeroguard air purifiers targeted at doctors and procurement professionals for clinics and hospitals?
Solution: Let’s Clear the Air!
Ugeskrift for Læger (a leading Danish medical journal) and at “Lægedage” in Copenhagen, the largest continuing education event for general practitioners in Denmark. Using the attention-grabbing headline “Let’s Clear the Air!” and visual elements like videos and images of sneezing and coughing individuals in a waiting room, we captured the audience's attention.
We conducted split testing with different scenarios, including sick patients in a waiting room and a doctor taking a rare, deep breath – a typically uncomfortable act near coughing patients.
The campaign included a broad range of materials:
• Event films, banners, posters, podiums, and competition postcards
• Brochures and data sheets
• A social media campaign featuring videos, text posts, images, and digital banners
The communication adopted a clean, clinical blue style, balancing professionalism with a touch of humor.
High Awareness of a New Product Category, Leads, and Sales
The campaign was a resounding success! With a strong presence from the start, we not only generated significant attention but also secured a steady stream of valuable leads at the Lægedage launch. The outcome? Overwhelming interest and a noticeable impact, both visible and tangible.

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